Sunday, March 12, 2017

Week 94

Hello friends and family and friends of family! Good to be with you on this beautiful Albuquerque morning. I hope this email finds all of you doing well and happy. It is important to be happy. I have learned that as a missionary. This last week was pretty crazy! With transfers and stuff going on I couldn't remember what day it was. It was good to get out and do some work though. Missionary work is the best thing ever. We had a couple really cool stories. Alana was going to get baptized this last week but had a family emergency come up that took her out of town. When she came back she had a stronger testimony then when she left! She even paid tithing yesterday. She is doing so amazing. Her testimony is bright and her love of the Savior is real. I am so grateful that I have had the chance to meet her and know her. She will probably be getting baptized in the next couple weeks. We are meeting with her tonight. We had another really amazing experience this week. A couple weeks ago a man named Rudy called the mission office for a blessing. Sister Guffey called us and we called some other Elders to go visit them. Aparently Rudy used to be married to a member of the church. He had a pretty bad alcohol problem so he got a blessing from some missionaries a long time ago. After that blessing he never took another drink. 45+ years sober now. The other Elders gave him a blessing and then we went by a week or so later. He told us that he believes in the power of the Elders. He asked for another Blessing from us and he asked us to dedicate his home. That was the first time I have every dedicated a home. It was a sacred experience and a powerful expression of God's love. We began teaching them and they agreed to meet with missionaries. They don't live in our area. But they are incredbile children of God. Our Father in Heaven loves us all. I know that to be true. I have seen His love in my life over and over. I know He is there. This is His work. I love you all and am grateful for the positive influence you all have had on me. Keep up the great work! 

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