Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Week 44

What a crazy week. I am glad that it is over so we can get to some less crazy stuff. But even though it was crazy it was awesome! And lots of good things happened to us and that is always nice. We were able to meet with some people that we haven't met with in a long time. That was awesome. We are teaching a guy named D. He is very religious and loves Jesus. He has a ton of stories of healing people in the name of Jesus and seeing pictures in his mind. He is a good guy and not quite as crazy as he sounds. We had interviews with President this week!! That was so good. I always feel the spirit and feel motivated when I talk to president. He had a lot of good things to tell me and to say about me. He also gave me advice to stay positive about the work. I think this advice can be applied anywhere in life. The more positive we are about any situation the easier it is to overcome it. Especially the trails and challenges we are blessed to have. I got to do a baptismal interview this week too! I love doing those. I interviewed a YSA named K. She was really awesome and got baptized on Saturday. She was really prepared. Thursday was the interesting day for sure. We woke up and headed to the ER. For the past month I have been dealing with very located pain in my lower right back. It was intense and prevented me from working. It brought me to tears. So eventually Mission Medical sent me to the ER. We spent 4 hours there and after some tests and a CT scan I finally had an answer. Any guesses????? You got it! Kidney Stone. I was not overly thrilled with the results but was pleased to have answers and a timeline for the pain. I no longer have my kidney stone so all is well with me again. I am blessed to be here. I learned a lot from this experience and am excited to hopefully not live it again. I am grateful for my Mission President and his Wife. I have felt tons of support from them. Anyway enough about me and back to the Lord's work. T is progressing really well for his baptism this Saturday. He is really excited for it and so are we. His interview is tonight so that should be good. We are seeing a lot of success right now and even with a tough week or two we continue to see the hand of the Lord in the work. He truly does lead and guide His work. We got a new investigator named E this week. He is 79 and really interested in Family History. We had a lesson with him about eternal families and he was interested in learning more about why we focus on genealogy. It should be good. Yesterday was an awesome day though! We taught a couple lessons and found new people to teach! All in all the week was good and we learned a ton from it. We are ready for this next week!!! Love you all!!!
Quotes of the Week:
none :(

Spiritual Experience of the Week:
Interviews with President were great. I always feel of my Saviors love when I talk to one of His representatives. President is truly called of the Lord to lead and guide this mission. I support and fully sustain him.

Miracle of the Week:
Yesterday we had an appointment with a new investigator. Unfortunately she didn't show up. We decided to take our members to another person who Elder Mosher and I found a few months ago but have not been able to see. When we got there we were able to teach her and her husband and it was great! They immediately set up a return appointment for us to come back. It was a huge miracle and a great way to start the week!!
love you all!!!
Elder Carruth

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